Specialized advisory on M&A
and fundraising.

We manage to align factors that CHANGE THE PATH of our clients.

We participate in unique moments in the journey of BUSINESS OWNERS.

And we help them make the DEAL OF A LIFETIME.

We are a Brazilian independent advisory firm for M&A and fundraising.
Formed by a distinguished team that brings together complementary expertise in finance, law and math.
We combine the experience of 40 years, 35 deals concluded and around R$ 30 billion transacted.

+ 0

Years of combined

+ 0

Deals concluded

~ R$ 0 BI


From offices in Recife and São Paulo and through a network of reliable partners, Steamboat maintains a nationwide presence and also abroad.

Steamboat is specialized in financial and corporate advisory, focused on M&A deals, attracting investors
and raising funds.
We participate from the initial stages of the process (info organization, presentations, valuation) to the
closing of the transaction (signing of the final contracts).
Our clients are business owners in industries with solid fundamentals.
Our goal is the best for our clients, combining expertise, relationships and the right approach. As a
result, during projects we build bonds of solid trust based on continuous contact, proximity, fluid
communication, confidentiality, transparency and objectivity.
We want our clients to feel comfortable and well represented in the context of a transaction

Our clients are also our partners

Strong commitment to client’s goals

We speak the client’s language


Higher chance of achieving objectives


Alinhamento de interesses

Nossos clientes são nossos parceiros

Envolvimento dos sócios

Quem vende o serviço é quem entrega

Proximidade regional e setorial

Falamos a língua do cliente

Especialização e customização

Alta chance de atingir os objetivos

Expertises complementares

Alta chance de atingir os objetivos

Formed by qualified professionals with complementary knowledge in Corporate Finance and
Corporate Law, Steamboat stands out for its ability to add value.

Adriano Cursino
Managing Partner

  • Adriano is a lawyer, postgraduate in Corporate Law (IBMEC/RJ) and postgraduate in Corporate Law (INSPER/SP)
  • Before founding Steamboat Capital Partners, Adriano acquired extensive professional experience over 12 years of experience in the areas of Tax and Corporate Law, with stints at “Big 4” consulting companies such as PwC and EY and at the technology multinational Microsoft
  • Adriano is also a partner at the law firm Cursino Marvão Vieira Advogados and has expertise in M&A operations

Leonardo Arneiro
Managing Partner

  • Leonardo holds the title of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), passed level I of the CAIA Exam and has a degree in Business Administration from EAESP-FGV
  • Previously served as Vice President of the M&A area at Fator, PwC (Corporate Finance and M&A), Competitiveness, Evalueserve (Chile) and B3
  • Selected operations: advised Pif Paf on the acquisition of Fricasa Alimentos; advised the Government of São Paulo on the privatization of CESP; advised State Grid on the Valuation Report of CPFL Energia and CPFL Renováveis for the purposes of the OPA; advised Wiz partners on the acquisition of Finanseg; advised Santamalia shareholders on the sale to Intermédica; advised Banco CR2 shareholders on the sale to ABN

Rafael Pereira
Managing Partner

  • Rafael has a degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) with a specialization in Corporate Finance at Université Paris Dauphine and
    holder of the title of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)
  • Previously, Rafael worked for 9 years with mergers and acquisitions (M&A), having worked for traditional boutiques in this segment in São Paulo.
    Before that, he had experience at the variable income desk at Safra Banco de Investimento and in financial planning at LVMH (Louis Vuitton)
  • Rafael worked and carried out transactions mainly in the health, education, retail, technology, agro, logistics, and chemical industry sectors

Gabriel Neves

  • Graduated in Naval Engineering from the Polytechnic School of USP, with a Master’s degree from the University of Lisbon
  • Before joining Steamboat, he worked in other M&A houses in São Paulo, accumulating participation in more than 20 transactions
  • Selected transactions: sale of Absolute Investimentos to BTG; sale of APS to Ducato Capital; sale of Fertgrow to Uralkali

Calvin Lee

  • Graduating in Administration from IBMEC-SP
  • Before joining Steamboat, he was part of IBFinance, IBMEC’s financial market league, helping to monitor M&A projects

Antônio Dib

  • Graduating in Business Administration at Insper
  • Before joining Steamboat, he worked in the alternative assets financial structuring area at Hurst Capital

João Vitor Cabral

  • Graduating in Physics from the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo
  • Before joining Steamboat, he worked at Bradesco, being responsible for mapping and assembling processes in specific areas

Kizar Brito

  • Graduating in Economic Sciences from the Higher School of Administration and Management Esags-FGV (Strong Esags FGV)
  • Before joining Steamboat, he worked as a partner in a specialized e-commerce and in the NGO Construide, focused on building housing for
    socially vulnerable families in different communities in Brazil and Africa

Office in Recife
Rua Padre Carapuceiro, 858
Office in São Paulo
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2894 – 1º floor
+55 (11) 9 6503-4299

Se você é um fundador de uma startup com alto potencial de crescimento e está pensando em seguir o longo e árduo caminho de fundraising ou M&A, adoraríamos ouvir a sua história. Nosso objetivo é fazer com que o processo ocorra da forma mais suave e eficiente possível para um fundraising ou M&A bem-sucedido e beyond.

Queremos que nossos clientes tenham certeza de que estão sendo bem representados no contexto negocial de uma transação. Buscamos o melhor negócio, aliando expertise, relacionamento e abordagem adequada, participando desde as etapas iniciais do processo até o fechamento da transação.

Diagnóstico de Valor

Clientes que queiram saber como o investidor olha para sua empresa.

Nosso contato constante com investidores nos dá uma visão clara de como eles enxergam sua empresa. Conseguimos transmitir isso em um trabalho rápido, que não exige muito do cliente e contribui para a tomada de decisões.

Preparação para Venda

Clientes que desejam se preparar para maximizar seu valor em uma transação.

Ajudamos nossos clientes a identificar eventuais pontos fracos que podem implicar em perda de valor no contexto de uma transação.
Coordenamos a implementação de medidas que vão contribuir para mitigar riscos e aumentar o valor. Trabalhamos com uma rede de parceiros confiáveis para complementar nossas expertises e levar até o cliente a melhor solução.

Análise Financeira

Clientes com uma demanda específica de análise financeira.

Aplicamos nosso conhecimento financeiro no desenvolvimento de análises com alto valor agregado.

Compra e Venda de Empresas (M&A)

Clientes que desejam comprar ou vender participações em empresas.

Queremos que nossos clientes tenham certeza de que estão sendo bem representados no contexto negocial de uma transação. Buscamos o melhor negócio, aliando expertise, relacionamento e abordagem adequados, participando desde as etapas iniciais do processo até o fechamento da transação.

Captação de Recursos

Clientes que desejam captar recursos via dívida ou emissão de ações.

Ajudamos nossos clientes a definir qual é o melhor caminho para fazer uma captação. Desenvolvemos análises financeiras para embasar recomendações e possibilitar a melhor decisão. Conduzimos conversas profissionais com os investidores adequados para o perfil da operação. Negociamos a estrutura da operação de modo a minimizar o custo de capital dos nossos clientes.